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          Through my writings and talks, I am not claiming to be a Guru. I am only a seeker, a Jijnasu. There are many people who are in touch with the source of their being every moment of their life, and there are many others who are going through their days totally clueless about it. But I am neither. I am someone who has watched the trailer. And all this is just a trailer review!



I am... I did... I went...

Self Promotion Ahead...

Proceed only if you are wide awake!


This is  'jijnasu' Vasudeva, a chemical engineer from NITK who worked as a software professional for a few years (in India and US) before joining SVYASA Yoga University as a student of M.Sc. (Yoga) in 2011. After completing the master’s course, I volunteered at the institute as a lecturer, and eventually served as Assistant Professor. During this period, I authored study materials for the university for the subjects on Yoga therapy and Bhagavadgita. Pursuing my interest in modern physics, I also authored an article on the Uncertainty Principle (quantum physics) for a reputed scientific journal.

While at the institute, I subjected myself to the traditional Indian practice of gaining mastery over the faculty of memory by using scriptural texts, and was honoured by Shringeri Sharada Peetham and SVYASA for being able to recollect the seven-hundred verses of the Bhagavadgita in different ways (video).

Since 2018, I have been associated with Isha Foundation as a volunteer, where I have been translating Sadhguru’s videos and books to Kannada.

If you are still reading, and want to know more...

Some relevant details from my life till I quit the IT job can be found in this blog article...

"My Childhood Angst"

To read the article, click on the cry baby or

Childhood Angst_edited_edited.jpg

And the details of what transpired after that has been shared in this rather long video.

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