"Every human being is innately a Jijnasu, a Seeker"
Towards Being Profoundly Self-ish!
Look at this selfish man! Just bothered about himself and his meditation!
form of
just an
chirag was deeply puzzled after attending the yoga course...
Art: Rohit Bhasi*
"Selfishness vs Selflessness"
The mother of all moral hotchpotch!
The very idea of "Selfishness & Selflessness" is a dummy moral-duality created to keep you tangled up in thought. The plain fact is that everything that we do is necessarily self-ish; it is all about enhancing the experience of my being. And that is why Spirituality is termed as Adhyatma - it is absolutely about me. But wait! There is more to it...
Click to Read
No, it is not a comic book. It is very serious. Trust me! Judge the book by its cover at least!
This book, in a way, is a compendium of all that I have to say. It presents a comprehensive exegesis of the basics of one's spiritual pursuit in a structured manner. In fact, you would be better off reading the book first. The articles and videos will then easily fall in place.
Get your copy Today!
(within India only)
Here is a brief introduction to the book.
Book is available in India (WFP) and in twelve other countries (Amazon): US, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Japan, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Netherland, and Spain.
eBook available on Amazon.
Thou Art a Jijnasu...
seeking to get to your 'Home Page'!
You came to it not because someone taught you about it, not because scriptures told you to do it, not because you saw someone else do it, or not even because you thought about it and decided to do it. It actually happened when you managed to momentarily slip out of all these influences and conditionings. It is your most natural longing. It is just that you are always meddling with it and distracting yourself away from it. You are not allowing it to come ablaze.
Just as fire burns, just as water flows, human beings seek. You are innately hungry for something more, innately seeking something. Has this not ever happened to you? No matter how many conclusions and philosophies—materialistic, theistic or whatever—you have made up about life to stifle and silence your intelligence, no matter how heavily you have sedated yourself with the physical comforts of the world or the psychological comfort of ideologies, when you were alone someday, when there was nothing to distract yourself with, staring at the night sky or the pouring rain, your mind gravitated towards that inevitable and strange feeling of ‘?’ that is always lurking in the depths.
If I may interest you with some Insights... or some Jokes at least?
Testimonials... to the fact that 'sense' still appeals to the world...
Many seekers have been associated with me over the years, some because of live sessions, and others through online viewing. They got connected to me purely because of their innate longing for the immanent truth, and therefore I hold this relationship truer than all other kinds.
* Most of the art work on this website is by Rohit Bhasi